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About The Pogust Group

A key ingredient of the Pogust Group is collaboration. Not only does Dr. Aili Pogust deliver quality services individually, she also values partnering with professional experts to deliver informative, practical workshops.

Aili approaches her interactions with educators, whether individuals, administrators or groups, through the following questions:

Aili Pogust - The Pogust Group
Aili Pogust, Ed.D.
President, The Pogust Group
Dr. Pogust is an educator whose teaching spans elementary grades to graduate school. She has taught numerous graduate courses in brain-based learning, styles of teaching and integrating the curriculum across content areas. She received her doctorate from Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1993. Her training as a coach was acquired through Co-Active Training Institute and is reflected in the 3,000 hours she has accumulated coaching teachers, instructional coaches, supervisors and administrators. Her expertise in teaching literacy was sharpened through her extensive training at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Our Services


It is the way Aili uses language. She creates a safe environment that accepts teachers where they are as they refine their teaching... (learn more)


When Aili consults, she is a chef who combines the necessary ingredients to serve the literacy lives of students... (learn more)


Aili designs training as though she were sitting in the audience. She builds in variety, humor, collaboration and time to reflect... (learn more)


Aili offers ways to achieve physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance personally and professionally... (learn more)

“I like how you took one step at a time, then checked for understanding by having us write about it afterwards.”
— C. Gibson

“Blending her unique skill sets and experience as a reading and writing consultant and a team-building coach, Dr. Pogust has systematically raised the level of instruction in our primary grades.”
— S. Schwartz

“I liked the way you used the three different learning modalities to present your information. It really helped me to experience and understand what you were teaching us.”
— D. Cerula
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