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Coaching: Conquering a Dive

Coaching is a conversation about learning, change and growth. You offer the topic, and Dr. Pogust collaborates with you in finding the action, the commitment and the accountability that supports your goal. Dr. Pogust has accumulated over 3,000 hours of coaching with teachers, literacy coaches, supervisors and administrators.

Where do you want to dive into coaching and make a difference in your life?

An array of results Dr. Pogust's coaching clients have achieved are:

  • finishing a doctoral dissertation
  • initiating a critical conversation
  • pursuing a career decision
  • embracing a leadership role
  • strengthening staff relationships
  • integrating wellness practices into daily living
  • utilizing small group instruction strategically
  • embedding physical movement into the structure of learning
  • using deep listening to meet social/emotional needs of students
  • delivering effective reading and writing strategies to students in grades K-12
Dr. Pogust's Coaching Skills
Creating an emotionally safe environment
Listening deeply to your needs
Questioning that clarifies your thinking
Building on existing accomplishments
Exploring perspectives for possibilities
Forwarding pursuable actions
Deepening learning and growth
Checking in on progress
“What I appreciate most about Aili is her humanity. I always leave her company feeling positive and energized.”
— S. Vitella

“Working with Dr. Pogust has been an invaluable experience. Learning how to carefully examine a concern and finding the heart of the matter truly assists you with developing a plan of action that is attainable.”
— J. Murin

“Dr. Pogust creates a safe space for those whom she mentors. I always feel heard when we are having a conversation, and I know that any information shared will remain confidential. During a coaching session, Dr. Pogust’s questions help me to more deeply probe my thinking, and her insights support me as I work toward a deeper understanding of professional and personal matters.”
— M. Strong
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